Naughty Americans

I don't really know what makes amateur porn so hot and thrilling, maybe everyone has voyeuristic needs. Luckily, ever since internet is accessible for everybody, homemade porn is continuing to make its appearance on many sites trying to quench our hunger for porn with a realistic feel. Naughty Americans is just another of these sites that strive to gather leaked porn footage and erotic photos made by everyday folks like you, dear reader and I. To stand out of the crowd, this site focuses on three 'types' of homemade filth and provides first of all, leaked movies which is all about nasty babes who get caught on camera. These sex tapes are often leaked to them by pissed off ex-boyfriends who seek revenge by showing the world how slutty their ex-girlfriends are. But it seems a lot of chicks crave their 15 minutes of fame and willingly make a hot sex video that they submit to Naughty Americans in hopes of getting it featured on the site. Last but not least, you can even watch voyeur movies in which someone watch other people fuck through a window or hidden in a closet!

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