It's always good to have someone who will have your back, no matter what. Someone who loves to do similar things that you like. Someone with whom you can have a lot of fun. These are just a couple of things that a friend is good for. However, being someone's friend or being someone's best friend are two different things. Best friends share secrets with each other and can trust in each other, so they can end up doing pretty crazy things. Okay, that may not be true in all cases, but those young girls who are on center stage at (or Best Friends Forever), definitely do some crazy - and pretty hot - stuff with their besties. They do all the things that you secretly hope to see when a group of smokin' hot babes show up on a beach or at the entrance of a club. They sometimes get drunk, but always become really naughty and end up having some hot sex... in groups! Best Friends Forever couldn't be any more enticing as...

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